MLB Tuesday Cardinals vs Cubs Winner
(MLB) Chi Cubs vs. St. Louis,
Money Line: -102.00 Chi Cubs (Away)
Result: Loss
MIT Simulator - MLB Tuesday Cardinals vs Cubs Winner
MIT Simulator Score - Chicago Cubs 5.21, St Louis 3.03 - Projected Margin: 2.18 - Current Money Line: -102 - MIT Simulator shows Edge Factor in excess of 2 runs on game with low money line. Projected box-score shows Cubs outhitting Cardinals by 3.84 hits. Key factors noted: Entering Monday, Cubs have won 10 of 12 games. Jake Arrieta has a 2.00 ERA in his last 13 starts. Entering Monday, Cardinals have lost 6 of 11 games. Carlos Martinez has an 8.49 ERA in his last 2 starts. Arrieta has a 2.30 ERA against St Louis in his career compared to Martinez having a 4.81 ERA against the Cubs in his career. Projected box-score shows Cubs outhitting Cardinals by 1.92 extra base hits. Combination of hits (including extra base hits) equating to margin of 2.18 runs in favor of Chicago per MIT Simulator. Play: CUBS