AAA's 10* *49ers/Steelers* Week 2 BLOCKBUSTER!
(NFL) San Francisco vs. Pittsburgh,
Point Spread: -6.50 | -105.00 Pittsburgh (Home)
Result: Win
This is a 10* BLOCKBUSTER on the Pittsburgh Steelers.

For the most part we base our picks on "situations." Unless it's a Top 3 player, like a Peyton Manning or Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady etc, it doesn't matter to us whatsoever who is on the field of play that day, we make our picks based on situations, motivation and on lop-sided trends and numbers. This particular selection is a real beauty and deservedly gets our top ranked 10* rating for a number of great motivational and situational reasons. So here we go! San Francisco is coming off a hugely satisfying upset win on Monday night at home and now has to travel across the country on a short week to play an early EST game; also note that the 49ers have a tough divisional contest on the road in Arizona next week. Can anyone say classic "look ahead/let down spot?!" And for the Steelers, who come into this one on nine days rest after their opening day loss in New England, this has essentially become a "do-or-die" scenario, with super tough games upcoming at St. Louis next week, at home vs. Baltimore and then one the road at San Diego. It's as simple as that for us, it's a perfect storm of factors working in favor of PITTSBURGH this afternoon.

AAA Sports