Chip’s Top-Rated MLB Power Play Winner
(MLB) Chi White Sox vs. Cincinnati,
Money Line: 106.00 Chi White Sox (Away)
Result: Loss
Money Line: 106.00 Chi White Sox (Away)
Result: Loss
Chicago White Sox at Cincinnati 6:40 ET
White Sox over Redlegs- This is one of those ‘don’t worry about the horse being blind , just load the wagon’ games. I can not give you a legitimate reason that you should back the White Sox Mike Clevinger (2-2, 4.60 ERA) who has won just 12 games the past four years after going 38-18 with an ERA of 2.91 over three seasons 2017-19. But, the former Black Sox after losing 10 straight have won four of five and are playing with confidence. Take CHICAGO WITE SOX!
White Sox over Redlegs- This is one of those ‘don’t worry about the horse being blind , just load the wagon’ games. I can not give you a legitimate reason that you should back the White Sox Mike Clevinger (2-2, 4.60 ERA) who has won just 12 games the past four years after going 38-18 with an ERA of 2.91 over three seasons 2017-19. But, the former Black Sox after losing 10 straight have won four of five and are playing with confidence. Take CHICAGO WITE SOX!